Language is an important element in daily life; it can be in speech and learning process. People
always use the language in their daily life and their communications with others
regardless of personal
interests. In addition, language is a human
need that is absolute, because language
is a vehicle for communication
between humans.
Language as a social phenomenon in its usage is not only
determined by linguistic factors, but also by non-linguistic factors, for
example social and situational factors. The social factors that the usages of
language are social status, education level, age, economic level, gender and so
on. The situational factor influence language, and to whom someone converses.
Language contact occurs in social situation contact; as such the situation at
the time of someone learns second language in society.
The Situation of language usage varies, starting from the
atmosphere of conversation in
the family, between families, between neighbors,
the interaction of buying and selling in the
market, and interactions in tourism industry area by
local people (community) with tourists (guests). It does can be in form of bilingual
or multilingual language usage as occurred among the Sasak community at Kuta, Central Lombok. Because
the situation can triggers of language mixes by them, as such their first
language into other languages they mastered in order to codeswitching occurs.
Codeswitching occurs when a language mix by speakers with each other
because the environment situations and
language contact. Besides that, it occurs because situation and
condition is enabling to use in this place. They often use codeswitching in daily
interaction with their and outside community.
Based on the data gathered, found that there
are types of code switching events that
occurred among the Sasak community at Kuta,
Central Lombok, such as; (1) Inter sentential, (2) Intra
sentential, and (3) Tag (emblematic) switching.
Besides the types, the usage of codeswitching among the
Sasak community at Kuta, Central Lombok occurs because of several factors that contributing
to use of it, such as (1) Opponent of Speak (Speaking Partner), (2) Attending third
Speaker, (3) Topic, (4) Awakening Humor, (5) just for Prestige, and (6) Situation.
Besides above
factors, it also because most of the Sasak community at Kuta, Central Lombok are
bilinguals (Base Sasak and Bahasa Indonesia), they also very familiar in
English, in order to most of them are used English as their third language. They
very familiar in English because in this place exists tourism industries and
Regarding the significance of the present study, it is
suggested that;
It is expected that students, especially students in department of language and arts education to explore
for a wide range of speech events in
the community in
this archipelago as research materials as
an effort to preserve and empowerment of language itself in the midst of the
wider community, especially to preserve and empowerment of local language in order to its not lost by language
shift of foreign language.
This thesis discusses codeswitching
among the Sasak community at Kuta, Central Lombok. There are
still several aspects that can be analyzed for the other researcher to help to
understand more about sociolinguistics theories especially in codeswitching.
This thesis is hoped to become
the reference for analyzing linguistics study at school or especially for
English department Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) of Mataram
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