Monday, September 22, 2014



KANOM was born on August 14th, 1986 in Rentung, Rangkap I, Kuta village, Pujut district, Central Lombok regency, West Nusa Tenggara Province of Indonesia. Educational background; elementary school at SDN Sambak Dui (class I - III), continued and graduate at SDN Ngolang (class IV - VI) on 1998. The junior high school at SMPN 1 Pujut, graduate on 2001. On 2004 graduate at senior high school in SMAN 2 Praya. Continued at Mataram University in Faculty of Teacher Training and Education in of English Department and graduate on 2011. Organization background; (1) Member of barisan “HIZBULLAH” Nahdlatul Wathan (NW) since 2000, (2) Secretary of FORKAP I (Forum Remaja Rangkap I) since 2004, (3) Member of HMP2K-Unram (Himpunan Mahasiswa Peneliti & Pengkaji Kemasyarakatan) since 2004, (5) Kepala Biro Humas (Head of Community Relationship) BEM FKIP-Unram 2005-2006, (6) The Chairman of UKM Musik FKIP-Unram 2006-2007, (7) Head of Training and Education Division at ALFAD Training & Education Center 2006-2008, (8) Member of Public Policy Department (Dept. Kebijakan Publik) BEM FKIP-Unram 2007-2008, (9) General Manager of LPP Star Education since 2008. Contact; Facebook: Raden Kanom, Twitter: Raden_Kanom, e-mail:, YM: kanom08_1986.



There is No Problem IF THERE IS NO Solutions

Be Better for the BETTER Future

Be My Selves

It’s Me

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